1095 DeSoto Street St. Paul, MN 55130 Phone 651-774-8675


Youth Activities

There is nothing better than the sounds of children filling a Church (yes, even crying babies and loud toddlers).  Here at St. Pat's we work as a community to help our youth grow as people and in the example of Christ.  This includes both though our Faith Formation program as well as encoring our youth, and especially our Confirmation candidates, to become involved in various ministries here in the parish.  They are our future and it's a joy to have them with us.


Faith Formation

For over 100 years St Pat's taught youth about the faith though our Catholic School.  Today that education is continued though our Faith Formation program.  Anyone between the grades of Kindergarten and eighth grade is welcome to join our Faith Formation program.  We offer many options for growing in our Catholic faith.

Sunday mornings from 9:15am-10:30am students gather in the Rectory building for Faith Formation classes.  There our catechists teach them about God, Jesus, and the faith.  After classes release students gather in the church for Sunday morning Mass.  

There are two special years in our younger grades.  Second graders prepare for and receive their first Eucharist.  Fourth graders prepare for and celebrate their first Reconciliation.  St Pat's makes a point to make these groups as visible as they can, including celebrating milestones in their education at weekend Mass and giving first Eucharist students loaves of bread to share with their families at Holy Thursday Mass.  

Older students are enrolled in our Confirmation program.  This is a two year program over the 9th and 10th grade years.  Here, students learn how to become full, active, adult members of the faith and how to extend that faith into our greater communities. 

In addition to youth Faith Formation, St. Pat's also welcomes adult faith formation.  We support and guide adults though their RICA education and look forward to welcoming them into our Catholic community at the Easter Vigil.


Youth Ministry

St Pat's is proud to work with our cluster parish St Casimir to promote teen youth activities centered around fun and faith.  Contact Daniel Paulus at St Casimir for more information.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

At Masses celebrated during the Faith Formation school year, our younger parishioners are invited downstairs to the St Francis Chapel to hear the messages of that week's readings in a way geared towards their age.  All children; faith formation students, other young parishioners, or visitors, are welcome to join them!

Altar Servers

Our youth also give their time during the Mass volunteering as Altar Servers.  They help keep the Mass moving smoothly and save Fr Dwight a few extra trips around the sanctuary.  All parishioners from 10 years and up are welcome to join this ministry.